Forgot User ID:
If you've forgotten your User ID, you can easily retrieve this from Card Services Online. You will need your Card, CVV number, date of birth and your mobile phone to receive your One-Time PIN via SMS which will authorise your request. Click to retrieve your User ID now.
Forgot Password:
If you've forgotten your Password, you can easily reset it from Card Services Online. You will need your Card, CVV number, date of birth and your mobile phone to receive your One-Time PIN via SMS which will authorise your request. Click to reset your Password now.
For security reasons, please ensure that you do not create a Password that can be easily identifiable with you, e.g. that contains your name, date of birth, email address etc as you may be held liable for any associated loss you incur.
Forgot ATM PIN:
To change your ATM PIN, simply sign on to Card Services Online and select 'Services' from the navigation menu on the top. Select 'Change ATM PIN' under the 'My Profile' section. You will be required to enter your new ATM PIN twice.
For security reasons, please ensure that you do not select a PIN which represents your date of birth or alphabetically is a recognisable part of your name as you may be held liable for any associated loss you incur.
User ID:
To create your Card Services Online User ID, select 'Register' on the Sign On page. The details you need in order to create a User ID are:
- Your 16 digit Credit Card; or your 14 digit Diners Club Card
- CVV Number; and
- Date of Birth.
Also, please keep your mobile phone handy as we will send you a One-Time PIN via SMS to authorise your request.
If you need to change your Card Services Online password, sign on to Card Services Online and select 'Services' from the navigation menu on the top. Select 'Change Password' under the 'My Profile' section. You will be prompted to enter your current online password and then to create your new password.
For security reasons, please ensure that you do not create a password that can be easily identifiable with you, e.g. that contains your name, date of birth, email address etc as you may be held liable for any associated loss you incur
To change your ATM PIN, simply sign on to Card Services Online and select 'Services' from the navigation menu on the top. Select 'Change ATM PIN' under the 'My Profile' section. You will be required to enter your new ATM PIN twice.
For security reasons, please ensure that you do not select a PIN which represents your date of birth or alphabetically is a recognisable part of your name as you may be held liable for any associated loss you incur.